Saturday, December 3, 2011

Service Project

I have been out of town for the Thanksgiving holiday to Houston (might I recommend the Armadillo Eggs at T-Bone Toms in Kemah, TX!).  My assistant followed up with our Team Captain on Sunday about a service project he was supposed to set up for the 5th Wednesday.  On Sunday my assistant asked him to write down a phone number and call someone to confirm the removal of firewood and then the distribution of said firewood.  Because he had no paper, the phone number was written down for him and given to him.  The Venturing Adviser (YMP) even followed up with him.  This was all unknown to me.

When we got to the church on Wednesday for a service project and I asked our Team Captain what we are supposed to be doing in reguards to an activity and he told me a service project.  I asked him what.  He stared at me and told me he wasn't sure.  He asked me if I knew.  Right then my assistant and the Venturing Adviser walked up and asked him if he had called the area missionaries and their contact for the firewood.  He told them he didn't know what they were talking about.  They reminded him of the discussion they both had with him on Sunday.  He denied having the conversation with them.  They both were sort of in shock.  We had 6 Scouts and the Varsity Captain just sitting around waiting for something to do.  Eventually we found a short project to do. 

So in hoping to help the group evalute how things went I thought doing  Thorns and Roses would be a good idea.  When I told the Captain I thought that this would be a good idea but he told me that he wanted to "reserve" that for campouts only.  I told him that this is one time where I will override him.  We did Thorns and Roses and none of the boys complained about nothing being planned.  I found that odd.  I know the leaders were staring at each other waiting for it to come but it never did. 

So obviously we are doing something wrong with this boy.  He either doesn't feel like he needs to lead, doesn't understand the importance of his leadership or just doesn't want to do it.  But we are back to the drawing board.  This issue is mine and not his.  Obviously I need to do something different.  The problem is definately me.  My assistant Varsity Coach and I am planning on making in home visits to each of our Varsity Scouts soon.  Maybe this will help make a better connection to each boy and help them to see the importance of them fulfilling their calling.

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