Thursday, June 23, 2011

New District

Our District is "splitting".  BSA has told us that they don't call it splitting but call it a re-alignment but whatever.  Our District (and out Stake) will be getting smaller.  We have over 120 units and our new District will be carved down to about 70 and follow the outline of our Stake.  Bye bye Allen.

In all of this, job openings are being created.  I am hoping to serve as Advancement Chair for the new District.  I currently serve on this Committee along with the training Committee.  I also serve as Varsity Huddle Commissioner (boy does that sounds important but it is a ton of work).  Some have said that the higher ups in the District will not allow me to serve in both Huddle and Advancement Chair.  Guess we will see.  I sent an email yesterday to our District Commissioner because I need his OK.  He is on vacation so I must be patient.

In the mean time, our Advancement Board has lost tons of members so I have asked two members in our Stake to serve.  One has accepted and the other I am waiting on.  Both will be a great asset to the Board.

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