Sunday, June 3, 2012

June 2012 Ensign Page 46

If Mormon's don't get Scouting, it isn't because the Church isn't trying to help them get it.  Here are some great quotes from the article by David L. Beck.

Scouting is one way to help prepare our young men to do hard things, such as serve as faithful full-time missionaries.
Scouting's outdoor program is part of its message of self-reliance but it's more than that.  It's a relationship-building program in which young men work with each other and with their advisers, doing things that stretch them physically and emotionally.  It puts them in contact with nature, freeing them from the distractions of a world that is growing increasingly noisy.  And it allows them an opportunity to commune with the Spirit and to reflect upon their lives and their relationship, including their relationship with Deity.   
 “If any man among you be strong in the Spirit,” the Lord tells us, “let him take with him him that is weak, that he may be edified in all meekness, that he may become strong also” (D&C 84:106).  If there ever were a time when our young men needed to associate with adult advisers who are strong in the Spirit, that time is now. As leaders of young men, we have the blessing of working with them during the time that they transition from childhood to adulthood. It is a time fraught with temptations and challenges. What a great privilege and an awesome responsibility we have.  Young men need to be guided, motivated, and strengthened by those who are strong in the Spirit. They need to discover through spiritual experiences the intrinsic motivation of being a disciple of Christ—to taste for themselves the fruits of the gospel and of the Spirit.  Young men need to know that their leaders are men of God who can be trusted, who truly care about them, and who take seriously their Scout callings. Trusted leaders can become a powerful resource to help and bless young men.  To “edify in meekness” means to build up in meekness. A meek man edifies young men with patience, gentleness, and an absolute commitment to do God’s will. Confidence and trust are built in young men when they feel that their leaders have the Spirit of the Lord with them.


Evenspor said...

I hadn't seen this yet. Thanks for the heads up. By coincidence, I have been praying that our Stake presidency catches the vision of Scouting. Hopefully this will help answer that prayer.

Eric the Half-bee said...

My favorite:

"Young Men advisers in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints should be the best implementers of Scouting in the world. Training is an important step toward that end."

Fishgutts said...

I think this article puts a lot of responsibility on leaders to be good....maybe even great men and women. I seriously felt inadequacy when I finished the article. It also makes me feel like our programs are heading in the right direction be releasing some leaders and starting a Scouting Legacy in our ward.