Wednesday, January 11, 2012

University of Scouting - Varsity Huddle at Roundtable

Circle 10 University of Scouting 2012
Varsity Huddle at Roundtable

Why is Varsity Huddle important for your District?
·        Increase stats for attendance within the District.
·        Increase trained leaders within the District.
·        Encourage leaders to discuss issues in their own Teams and seek out answers from other Coaches.
·        District can create a Varsity resource for future Coaches if they have issues or problems.  Varsity Huddle Commissioner could also serve on the Training Committee to train new Coaches because they know the Varsity program.

Finding the right Huddle Commissioner:
·        Because the Varsity Program struggles at times (Team sometimes decide to act like Troops and focus on advancement towards Eagle instead of instilling creating their own mark in Scouting through their Team and actually using the Varsity program), find a Coach that knows the program and actually works some sort of the Varsity program.
·        Find someone who was a Varsity Coach in the past and ask them to serve.
·        Ask around who was/is the most experience Varsity Coach in the area.  There is usually one Coach who flies under the radar but quietly does his job well. 
·        Get the Varsity Huddle Commissioner staff!  Nothing is worse than burn out.  Get them some help to share the responsibility.

Training for Varsity Huddle Commissioner:
·        It is encouraged that the “normal” Varsity Training is done like Varsity Leader Specific Training.  Having acting knowledge on how a Team should work is a plus.
·        Send your Varsity Huddle Commissioner to Wood Badge!!  They will learn the “why” so they can teach the “why”.
·        Have them take The Trainers EDGE.
·        Send them to Roundtable Commissioner Training available through the Council.
·        Because there isn’t a “Varsity Huddle Commissioner Training” manual, have them use the current Boy Scout version.  There is plenty of room to use the Varsity program within this manual.  In fact, if the Huddle Commissioner just uses the modeling contained within the Boy Scout Commissioner Training Manual they will be able to put together a great Huddle!

Important factors when Huddle is being planned:
·        Meetings need to start and end punctually.  Nothing is worse than having a meeting just to have a meeting (I usually end early so they know I value their time and their time away from their family).
·        Huddle needs to be creative.
·        Play a game!
·        Topics need to be relevant.
·        Instructors need to be quality instructors.  Avoid repetition and make sure staff is prepared.
·        Don’t allow cliques.
·        Encourage the adult participants to be young men.  Huddle is supposed to be fun.  It isn’t supposed to be a meeting for meetings sake.  Scouting is supposed to be fun!!
·        Encourage change and thinking outside the box.  Invite Coaches to teach.
·        Have time set aside for Coaches to interact with each other in some form or fashion.  I encourage Coaches to discuss the issues they are having within their Team for two reasons.
·        It is good to see that others are having the same problem you are having.
·        Solutions can be found by sharing ideas in a group. 
·        Give them a handout.  Let them leave with having taken something from the meeting.

How to increase attendance at Varsity Huddle:
·        Email.
·        Use Coaches connection and communication lines through the LDS Church.
·        Postcards.
·        Call and personally invite them to Huddle.
·        Contacts the Stake Young Men’s President for each LDS Stake in the District and get them to help you advertise.
·        Persistence.  Don’t give up.  Don’t ever give up.  EVER!  At times I have wanted to give up when attendance was sitting at 7% but while wanting to quit I never did because I want these Coaches to succeed in touching the lives of their boys!
·        Have Coaches that are attending invite their assistant Coaches come to meetings and vice versa.  It is a chance to carpool and get to know each other as leaders and as people.  True friendship grows from spending time with each other.  Coaches usually know each other.  Have them invite their fellow Coaches.
·        Meet Coaches at LDS Little Philmont or Stake training sessions.

Varsity Huddle Theme Ideas:

·        Freezer bag cooking
·        Varsity Advancement
·        Geocaching
·        High Adventure ideas – Have Coaches share what they have done in the past so Coaches can you their ideas now. 
·        SMART goals/EDGE training
·        Varsity Scout Programs Features and Pins
·        Include non-traditional programs (i.e. cinematography)
·        Adventure Racing
·        HAM radios
·        IOLS, Wood Badge and additional training available to Coaches
·        Squad Method (Patrol Method)
·        Varsity Team Organization
·        Boy lead program through trained Varsity Team Leadership
·        Annual Team Planning
·        Varsity’s 5 Field of Emphasis
·        Personal Development
·        Service
·        Advancement
·        High Adventure/Sports
·        Special Programs and Events

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