Friday, November 25, 2011

LDS Troop Guide

I met my first ever LDS Troop Guide a couple Sundays ago when I approved his Eagle Scout project.  I asked him if he truly was a Troop Guide or just held the title.  He assured me he did his job.  He meets with the 11 YO Scout patrol weekly and helps them run their patrol, mentors and helps them learn skills he knows.  I was impressed.  His dad (who has been to Wood Badge and gets it) later told me that because all the other leadership jobs were filled (due to a large group of boys), he suggested his son to the Troop for the job and the Troop took his son up on it.  Just like a good Den Chief, a good Troop Guide is priceless.

I am amazed that this job often goes unfilled even in my own Troop.  Instead of using it to connect to the 11 year old Scout Patrol, we simply just hope that the cross over between the 11 YO patrol and the regular Troop will go well.  Because recruitment isn't an issue for LDS units, this "job" seems unimportant but it isn't.  I am so grateful to have Scouters around me that "get it".


Tory said...

Fantastic! I would love to see this sort of thing more often.

Eric the Half-bee said...

Holy Freaking Cow! Way to break the compartmentalization mindset.

Fishgutts said...

The dad gets it thank goodness due to Wood Badge!